My Rating System

My Star Rating System for Reviews

  • 1/5 stars =
    • I didn't like anything about the book: plot, pacing/flow, dialogue, characters, scenes, exposition, transitions, and purpose.
    • I didn't find any redeeming qualities in the book for the purpose of the story to feel necessary/valid.
  • 1.5/5 stars =
    • I didn't like anything about the book: plot, pacing/flow, dialogue, characters, scenes, exposition, transitions, and purpose.
    • But, I may have found a handful of redeeming qualities.
  • 2/5 stars =
    • I didn't like the book overall, but there may have been strong plot development or strong character development.
    • The purpose of the book was established and maintained throughout the story.
  • 2.5/5 stars =
    • I didn't like the book overall, but there was strong plot development and strong character development.
    • I found aspects of the characters and/or plot enjoyable.
  • 3/5 stars =
    • The book was ok. There were strong sections in the book, but not strong enough to make the overall book a good, solid read.
  • 3.5/5 stars =
    • The book was ok.
    • There were strong sections in the book, but not strong enough to make the overall book a good, solid read.
    • Strong characterization is evident.
  • 4/5 stars =
    • The book was a good read because of a strong plot, dialogue, characters, and a purpose.
    • But, the pacing was either too slow or too fast.
    • The flow of the writing may have been too choppy.
    • The transitions between thoughts, and the transitions between scene and exposition were weak or absent.
  • 4.5/5 stars =
    • The book was a good read because of a strong plot, dialogue, characters, a purpose, transitions, pacing, and flow.
    • Minor inconsistencies and poor details scattered throughout the book are slight irritants.
    • Room for improvement.
  • 5/5 stars =
    • I loved the book.
    • A strong plot, dialogue, characters, purpose, balance between scene and exposition, transitions, pacing, and flow were well established.
    • The depth to the characters and the plot was fantastic.
    • World building and an eye for detail were evident and strong.
    • The story incited deeper thinking and a deeper analysis of the characters.
    • Overall: thought provoking.

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