Saturday, October 22, 2016

Book Haul

New month, new books.

From old adventures, loved characters, hated characters, and well known plots to classics and new adventures, this October book haul has it all. Some are very well known titles while others are somewhat less renowned. I'm sure that by now the majority of the world is at the very least aware of both Game of Thrones and Harry Potter, however whether the majority views GoT or HP in a positive or negative light is completely subjective. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy both series and am quite happy to remain ensnared in the universes that both George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling have created. It's high time that I give the Harry Potter series the reread it deserves, and it's about time that I finally dive into the Game of Thrones books and have a proper comparison for the TV series. So I'm incredibly excited for HP and GoT. (Click on the links below for summaries of each book, provided by Goodreads.)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter #1)
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire #1)

As far as Sherlock Holmes goes, I've had a heavy interest in checking out Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's claim to fame for quite a while now but I've just always felt so overwhelmed by how expansive his collection of tales is, to settle on a starting point. But, I finally bit the bullet and decided to become acquainted with Sherlock Holmes through Signet Classics' The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries; a mass market paperback that features twenty-two of Holmes' tales. I'm incredibly excited to dive into one of the series that paved the way for the mystery and crime genres.

The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)

Haunted Castles and Ray Russell are a novel and an author, respectively, that I had had  zero previous knowledge of before stumbling across the novel and author while I was roaming the aisles at my local Barnes and Noble, a week ago. Quite the exciting find and perfect timing, since October is the month for everything and anything horror, thriller, and grotesque. I'm very interested to see what Russell has to bring to the table and Gothic literature.

Haunted Castles - Ray Russell

Jeffrey Eugenides is an author who has been on my To Be Read (TBR) list for quite some time, but I've just never gotten around to reading one of his novels. His other novel, Middlesex has been sitting on my shelves at home, waiting to be read, where it will most likely continue to sit until it gets boxed up along with any of the other books that I decide to ship off to the library, the place that is home to all of the books I've grown tired of or disliked, and decided to give away. Middlesex just doesn't grab my attention. But, I'm hoping that Eugenides' novel, The Marriage Plot will be the answer to my unanswered prayer. My greatest struggle with the modern day romance genre is that I'm unable to part with the upstanding tones and standards that the romantic classics and Romantic Movement instituted. They don't make them like Heathcliff or Mr. Darcy, anymore and that to me is such a disappointment and disservice to modern day romance. But, hopefully The Marriage Plot will be a breath of fresh air.

The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides

Of course, it just wouldn't be October if I hadn't splurged on an absolutely beautiful edition of the Grimm brothers' tales. I've always loved the traditional fairytales, especially the tales with a darker twist or darker origins, so it only made sense to finally commit to a copy of these tales. This particular edition is volume one of the brothers' collection, so I'm assuming that a volume two will be in the works, shortly. Hopefully. The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm was translated by Jack D. Zipes and illustrated by Andrea Dezso. Cheers to Jacob Grimm and Wilhem Grimm for remaining relevant even after two hundred and four years of  being in print!

The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm - Jacob Grimm, Wilhem Grimm, Jack D. Zipes, Andrea Dezso

If you've read any of these, let me know what your thoughts are, good and bad. I hope that this book haul post gave you some ideas for future buys, until the next post!

Until next time! Thank you for stopping by! And if you have yet to do so, follow me here on my blog via email subscription to be able to stay informed on when new posts are uploaded!


- Anisa

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